Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

Many adults in fact have damage to the intervertebral discs in their back. It is estimated that 80% of adults over the age of 50 show signs of a degenerative disc. The degenerative disc is a combination of a number of internal factors that lead to the demise of the annular fibrosis and nucleus pulposus that make up the disc. The outer layers of the intervertebral disc are strong fibers called the annulus fibrosis. If this tissue is cracked or torn the pulpy nucleus can push and fissue its way throughthe crack. The disc will start to bulge or herniate and cause a great amount of pain. One main indication of a disc injury is pain refering down the leg, or down the arm. This is a strong indication the patient is suffering from a disc injury contacting the nerve. This can be diagnosed with a through examination. Orthopedically testing the joint, and neurologically testing for nerve involvement.
A non- invasive decompression treatment protocol will allow the pulpy material to be pulled back in through the annular tear and allow the nerve to heal and the pain to decrease. I am specifically trained in a specific protocol called the DRS Protocol which stands for Decompress, Reduce, and Stabalize the disc injury. This is an advanced treatment for the treatment of a degenerative disc or a herniated disc. The advanced protocol allows for a great reduction in direct pressure on the nerve for patients suffering from chronic neck or back pain. I am able to treat a number of different diagnosises non-invavsively using spinal decompression from neuroformainal encroachment to sciatica/ leg pain, back pain, facet syndrome, or a herniated disc. If you have had an MRI taken and you have damage to your disc or discs in your back and neck contact the office for a complimentary consultation to see if you are a canidate for this protocol.