Lumbar Degenerative Discs and Lower Back Pain

Patients are often told that they have a degenerative lumbar disc or degeneration of the discs of their lower back and don't really understand what that means. A degenerative disc or desiccated lumbar disc means that the intervertebral disc has lost some of its fluid/water and load bearing abilities. Basically the disc is drying out and losing disc height. This degenerative process can be frustrating because the patient can be left with lower back stiffness, lower back pain, sciatica, or just a feeling of tightness in their lower back. It may be frustrating because most in the allopathic community feel that this is a normal process of aging and do not care to treat this diagnosis. As a chiropractor I look at this joint deterioration and disc degeneration as a large, serious but treatable condition. If we can introduce and restore proper joint function and joint movement to the affected spinal segment we are able to slow, stop and even reverse the degenerative process to the disc. Simply put more imbibition or pumping type movement to the degenerative disc will create a influx of water and nutrients across the outer ligaments of the disc and help restore much needed nutrients to the weakened ligaments.
I am able to help many people with degenerative and herniated discs in the Poway and Rancho Bernardo and other areas in San Diego with out the use of drugs or surgeries. Some patients with mild to moderate degenerative changes will respond with specific chiropractic adjustments applied to the malfunctioning joint. This will initiate movement to the segment and allow for better hydration to the disc and reduce painful nerve root compression. The patients with severe degenerative changes will respond better with the DRS Protocol, which is a customized series of spinal decompression and Class 4 deep tissue laser treatments to rehydrate the discs of the lower back and reverse lumbar disc degeneration. If you have an MRI of your lower back and it shows herniated or degenerative discs and you are confused on the correct treatment path. Bring in your MRI for a consultation with Dr. Nicholas LaHood, D.C. to see if you are a candidate for conservative treatments. It is always wise to stay conservative when dealing with spinal disc conditions and only use more invasive treatments after all conservative measures have been exhausted.